Only 3 Places left
This course aims to give healthcare professionals an understanding of the causes of vaginal prolapse and current treatment options. The session includes a review of the most common types of vaginal supporting pessaries available and how to ensure correct sizing, fitting and changing.
When: 30 Sep 2024
Duration: Half Day - 09:30 - 13:30
Venue: Ancora Medical Practice, 291 Ashby Road, Scunthorpe
(special note)
Lunch & refreshments will be provided
Sandra Moloney
Sandra currently works at the Queens Medical Centre Nottingham as a consultant nurse in Gynaecology and for the past 25 years as part of her various roles, she has been seeing and treating women with pelvic organ prolapse who have decided not to go down the surgical route i.e. with vaginal pessaries.
Profile Pharma
Please Note: The companies sponsoring this event have only paid to exhibit at this meeting. They have not contributed towards the cost of the event or had any involvement or input with the agenda, speaker selection or content.