An understanding of the basic anatomy and physiology of the ear
An understanding of the prevention of ear problems
A foundation of knowledge on which to base practical aural toilet, wax instrumentation and ear irrigation
Reflection on accountability, documentation and management of change in relation to ear care
An understanding of decontamination of equipment
Considered the patient with ear problems holistically
Future management of people with ear problems
The ability to undertake ear care within the boundaries and limits of their professional competence, responsibility and accountability
An understanding to complete achieved competencies as documented in the competency handbook, consistent with your individual level of skill and knowledge
This course aims to:
Give an understanding of the basic anatomy and physiology of the ear and the need for preventative care, including patient education and advice.
Demonstrate the safe and proficient use of basic aural care instruments for the removal of wax, aural toilet and ear irrigation.
Reflect on accountability, documentation and the management of change in relation to ear care
Session time: 09:30-16:30
When: 24 Sep 2021
Duration: 1 Day
Venue: NBV Enterprise Centre, 6 David Lane, Nottingham